Tuesday 5 April 2011

Abstract Photography

Abstract Photography is one of my favorite types of photography as its very free, open ended and is a very surreal type of photography.  Abstract photographs are usually photos of random objects that are not always recognizable, they sometimes have very bright colors and cool textures.  Most Abstract photos have  very strong meanings even though they are so simple, the different colors and textures really give abstract photos a mood and make the viewer react emotionally.  I like abstract photography because it really has no boundaries,  you can pretty much take anything and take a picture of it in a certain way to make it abstract.

Ansel Adams is a legendary photographer and he has taken some amazing abstract photos in his time, like the one seen to the left.  Abstract art first started off in the late 1800's, when artists felt that they needed to create a new type of art.  Abstract art started off slow and then got bigger and bigger.  When cameras came along, photographers picked abstracts up, and to today have been using the techniques of abstracts artists to produce great pictures.  Ansel Adams is a good example of this.  In the end, abstract photography is a great way of expressing yourself and its really fun to do, so go out and take some abstract photos!

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