Favorite Photographers

James Nachtwey was born march 14 1942, and he grew up in Massachusetts.  James studied art history and political science at Darmouth college and graduated in 1970. James started off working as a newspaper photographer, then moved on to working in New York as a freelance photographer.  In 1981 Nachtwey, received his first overseas assignment, shooting photos in Northern Ireland.  After that, he started going to all sorts of places such as, South Africa, Latin America, Russia and the middle east, to shoot, war famine and other sorts of issues.  James soon worked his way to the top, winning many photography awards and working for many different magazines.

James Nachtwey's photos are very inspiring and it really gives you a sense of war, famine and all those other problems in our world, that we only see on the news.

Check out his website at http://www.jamesnachtwey.com/ he has some amazing photographs.

"I have been a witness, and these pictures are
my testimony. The events I have recorded should
not be forgotten and must not be repeated."
-James Nachtwey-

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