Sunday 10 April 2011

Walter Iooss

This is probably going to be the last photographer i'm going to talk about, so here we go.
Walter Iooss Jr
Walter Iooss Jr was born in 1943 in Temple Texas, but he grew up in new jersey, as his family moved when he was just 5 years old.  As a kid Walter loved sports,  this passion for sports later on made him take up sports photography.  Walter took courses at the Germain School of Photography while he was still in high school, and he received hi first cover for Sports Illustrated, with a picture of Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Art Mahaffey.  Iooss has had his pictures on the cover of more that 300 S.I magazines, varying from sports action shots, sports portraits and swimsuit.  Walter has worked for many different companies such as Atlantic Records, fujifilm, and he even took photos for Camel Cigarettes.  In 2004 Walter won the Lucile award for achievement in sports photography.  Walter once said "The real joy of photography is these moments. I'm always looking for freedom, the search for the one-on-one. That's when your instincts come out."  this really shows his passion for sports photography and that he really has a story behind everyone of his photos.  Visit his website at
Michael Jordan
Kevin Garnett

1 comment:

  1. Walter sounds like a really cool guy! Does he take pictures of anything else?
