Monday 4 April 2011

Nikon vs Canon

the big question when getting a new digital SLR is which brand to go with and which camera to buy.  Nikon and Canon are the two of the top camera companies at the time and are constantly battling it out for the top spot.  Whenever one of the two release a new product the other releases a very similar product, and so without alot of digital camera knowledge, choosing between the two could be a very difficult task.  So i'm posting this to help people pick out their first digital SLR and not end up with the wrong one.

In comparing these two companies I found very little differences, but alot in common.  Both Nikon and Canon sell a veriety of different cameras, such as point and shoots like the Nikon Coolpix and the Canon PowerShot as well as DSLR's Like the Nikon D90 and the Canon 60D.  Since these companies come out with relatively similar products, it's hard to chose one or the the other based solely on statistics.

here is a comparison of the canon T3 and the Nikon D3100, two very similar DSLR cameras

As you can see the statistics of these two cameras are almost identical, and this is the case for almost every other Nikon and Canon camera so in my opinion, when choosing your first digital SLR it comes down to which one preforms better for you and just which company you prefer.  I myself own a Canon Rebel XSI, and it works great for me, its very simple to use and it takes some great pictures, i'm not saying to buy a Canon, i've used Nikon DSLR's and they are great cameras as well.  All in all, Nikon and Canon are great companies that make good quality cameras and i strongly suggest that you buy your first DSLR from Nikon or Canon.

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