Thursday 7 April 2011

SLR Gorilla Pod

This is a review for the new GorillaPod SLR from Joby.

Camera on the GorillaPod SLR
The gorilla pod is a new product relesed by Joby and it is a tripod that can allow you to put your camera, well, pretty much anywhere.  The GorillaPod comes in many different sizes, for smaller cameras and mobile devices and for bigger SLR cameras and large video cameras.  The tripod has three flexible legs that are very stable and will keep your camera still when taking photos.  You attach your camera to the small clip by screwing it on and then attaching it to the lock ring.  The lock ring is a great feature, as it assures you that your camera will not fall off the tripod.  another great feature is the built in level to make your pictures perfectly centred.  The legs of the tripod have grippy rubber on them to add more grip, allowing you to attach the GorillaPod to poles, upright objects and steep inclines.  I think this product is great, I own one myself and I use it alot.  Its great, because its very small and lightweight, and easy to carry around, therefore giving it an advantage over those large bulky tripods which you cant really take around with you everywhere.  In conclusion, this is a great product and i strongly recommend buying this tripod if your an aspiring photographer.
Locking ring


  1. Wow I've never seen a tripod look like that. I can see how it would be very helpful to photographers but how much would something like that cost?

  2. Deep thoughts man, deep. I think that this product is also GREAT, and the advantages really outweigh the disadvantages. Cool post I think I'm going to buy one right now!!
